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Never had a single year living on campus so this will count for it. Let's just say that... certain ending conditions were cleverly and subtly inserted. The way you differentiated the endings was very interesting, too. I have to ask--were you a good student, an evil student, or................................Carl?


Loved the interface and the humor in this game - LeMew Hall made me laugh out loud for few good minutes. The depth of the options and the coverage of any shenanigans you can get up to in Davis was honestly so amazing and relatable. Awesome stuff.


I appreciate the detail how you colored the letters for each option. Made it interesting to see which keys and options I'd have next.


I love the detail you put in the project like the guiding color, not by number but also not full color the word, the color chosen for game window and itch io page is wonderful! really relaxing to read.


Great writing, I thought it was so funny when the person spilt food on my, that I stood there and yelled at them to clean it off me. Like that is such a crazy thing to do to someone that I want to see it happen in real life now. Great job!


Definitely remember my extraordinary eating habits. The 7 slices of pizza is no exaggeration.


I love the amount of content this game has! Makes me want to go through multiple times and choose all the text options to see what happens. It's very nostalgic even though I never lived in West Village it reminded me a lot of my freshman year.


I tried to choose the mean/strange option lol and I had a good time playing great work! 


As a graduating senior, this game gives me extreme nostalgia to my first year on campus (which was sophomore year b/c of COVID). Ahh, things were so much simpler back then...


This game reminds me of the first year I came to davis and also lived in the west village. The story of this game made me want to keep reading because it was very similar to my experience. the way the hightlight letters were used to get to the next screen was cool.


i love the juxtaposition between doing normal people things and absolute chaos. really reflects my own intrusive thoughts and gives subtle but powerful perspective.


one really cool technical aspect of the game is that green letters imbedded in the text are used to navigate through the game. this sets the game apart from a lot of text based games which use 1/2/3 and I feel that it adds a lot of whimsical charm to the gameplay.


That was a fun and interesting storyline lol. As someone that lived there that setting off the fire alarm midnight was freaking great hahaha. And I like how you had some hidden storyline within the game, great story.


This game was hilarious! I love that you can be a totally terrible person throughout the whole game. I also love the fact that there are secret endings. I’m sort of curious why people are so terrible in UC Cowtown, though? Is something sinister going on in the town?


The way the buttons we need to press to make certain choices is really cool and intuitive. I think it’s neat how you essentially made a Twine game here, with variables that influence the story progression later on! (Also appreciate it showing me what my life here might be like if it were interesting enough to be a game…)


I really like how you chose to give the player choices, I haven't seen a game where the choices are indicated by just letters in the text! I also loved how the story progressed, you didn't make EVERYTHING a choice, it felt like the story was progressing faster like that. I'm curious how many branches there are or if there's maybe intersections between different paths to make linking 'em a little easier. 


yess same! I love how many options there are. I ended up getting the unpredictable ending. I’m not sure what that is supposed to mean for me haha. I also am wondering what other endings there are to this


I wish we had a LeMew hall on campus!  Love the indication of which button / direction to go with the green highlighted letters. First play through got to secret ending 3/3!


secret ending 3/3